1994 - Our First Store at Bellevue Square

Just over 30 years ago we built our first store at Bellevue Square, in a space previously occupied by a custom jeweler. When I say "we built it," I mean we performed every task we legally could, from laying tile to hanging ceilings and everything in between, starting with the demolition.

My first task was to extract a thirty foot rolling steel security gate at the entry.  Being a "handy," hard hat wearing, fashion guy, I determined I could do it on my own. What could go wrong? Somehow, miraculously, with the help of a rented Genie lift and electric Sawzall, I was able to remove the gate, saw it into three 10-foot pieces and roll them down to an awaiting dumpster, nearly permanently disabling the freight elevator in the process.   

Anyone knowing me and familiar with my home improvement skills can see the comedy unfolding in this production. By morning, all I could do was sit, exhausted, in the middle of the store, surrounded by piles of debris, wondering how I was going to get this store built and put together in eight weeks! 

Gratefully, I had back up for day two of demolition! Our first employee,a superstar fashion consultant, reported for demo duty wearing what any self respecting fashionista would wear to a construction site - a white tank top, hot pants and combat boots. I am not making this stuff up. Hair and makeup was perfect, too.  You know who you are, and we love you for providing this amazing memory. She reported for her second day with a bit more protection - and perfect hair and makeup. 

By the way, we opened the store on schedule. Stay tuned for a future blog post where I describe hanging our frosted graham cracker ceiling tiles.

David of David Lawrence

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